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Author Topic: Turn 10 in a Nutshell? Yee.  (Read 38515 times)

Offline Abbas Al'Malik

  • Posts: 84
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Turn 10 in a Nutshell? Yee.
« on: April 29, 2015, 11:50:15 AM »
To those of you ready for Turn 10, Congrats on clearing the Second Coil!
I'm sure that was rough, and don't hesitate to take a break before charging back into raids, cause from here on out, your raid will need to be on their feet and at their best.
Final Coil has no mercy; One mistake may spell the end.
Prepare to wipe a million times over learning. Fun times, am I right?

Now, Prepare yourself for the Final Coil.
Playtime is over, kids. This one's for the go-getter's, the ones striving to be top-chain, those who accept nothing but the best.  You know who you are.
If you think you got what it takes, then by all means, your next challenge awaits.

So here it is, a sequel to my original guide; Turn 10 in a Nutshell!
(Thanks to Talran for all the info! You beat me to it!)


Before you get to the big nasty, you're going to have some trash to kill. Shocking, right?
However, a lot of groups will have a ninja use Hide and get past it all, activating the shortcut.
It's your raid's choice whether or not they can/want to skip or kill.
Beyond the trash will be two jump pads, leading to your next challange.
It'll be quite... Electrifying.
Before you now stands Imdagud, a beast with a Negative personality. Prepare for battle!

Special Notes:
  • You'll want to tank Imdagud near the center circle, facing north away from the raid.
  • This is because he has two cones, which we want to avoid.
    • The first is Frontal called Crackle hiss. This is a HUGE Cone, and at no time should hit raid.
    • Second is a typical Back cone, Spike Flail. This can be baited by standing behind the boss.
  • You'll want your raid spread out around the innermost ring to the sides.
  • You should Mark the inner most ring on the Left, Right, and Back sides.
    • This will help others discern where to go for mechanics, and where Adds spawn.
  • It is highly recommended that your party has a SCH.
    • Their Adloquim will be very helpful dealing with Prey.
    • There are some attacks that do heavy damage, so damage mitigation is helpful.
    • The fight is somewhat healer intensive, but a healer than can easily regain mana will be fine.
      (I mention this because WHM may struggle a bit if they arn't using Shroud of Saints whenever it's available)
  • BEWARE, Come past Add Phase 2, He will start punishing the raid severely for any mechanic failure, throwing electric vulnerability on the whole raid then cast a room wide AOE of electricity, thus hurting the raid for significant amounts of damage for EVERY MISTAKE. It isn't just once; EVERY TIME you make a mistake, he will do this.

Phase 1: Imdugud α 100%⇒85%
  • The first mechanic you'll see here will be Crackle Hiss. The Maintank should have already moved Imdagud into position and have him facing north, so that only the Main Tank should get hit.
  • After Crackle Hiss, you'll see the Tankbuster Critical Rip. Tanks should pop a cooldown for this.
  • Right from the very beginning, your healers will need to be alert and ready for Prey.
    • A random player will get a red circle over their head and a lock on symbol in their debuff bar signalling Prey has marked them.
    • Your SCH should Adloquim that player, so that when prey goes off, it will not hurt them.
    • If they take damage, they get with with Erratic Blaster, which will explode after a few seconds, Paralyzing that player and hurting them for a moderate amount of damage.
    • The worst part of this is that if they get Erratic Blaster, Imdagud will get a Damage Buff.
  • The main group mechanic of this phase is Wild Charge.
    • This will target a random (non tank) player and apply vuln; this needs to be buffered by two to three players to decrese the damage taken.
    • Each player in the line of the charge will take less damage, and to survive the first hit, the closest should be the off tank (even a melee DPS is likely not going to survive the brunt of the first hit of the charge.)
  • Also, don't stand behind him when you don't need to, he has a Frontal cone AOE from both ends. (Spike's flail or something)
  • Oh yeah, I'm not going to mention it again, but the floor is about to start turning into lightning on a timer. This is your soft enrage. Get used to tight spaces.

Phase 2: Adds α
  • This cocky asshole is going to start charging his laser. Don't worry, you can actually stand in him fine right now and not take damage.
  • However, this brings us a nice new gift of ADDS four of them this time around.
    • Sons: Spike Tail + Shitty AoE pool on death, lasts long enough to fuck me up on the next phase sometimes
    • Daughters: Prey. のヮの
  • There will be two sons and two daughters, each tank should take one of each, because it's not cool to leave a brother high and dry THEY TETHER AND DO MASSIVE DAMAGE
    • Also, pull them off to separate sides.
  • Your WHM and SCH should be on point SSing and adloing people at the start, because you're about to eat a double prey, which will throw one of those damage stacks we mentioned earlier on our kitty friend.
  • Might want to start with a daughter first, they're the ones giving your scholar PTSD tender loving.
  • Take down the adds, and get back to smacking the boss.
  • Healers, now is a good time to heal up everyone and throw down virus, cause our friend is about to do a room wide AoE.

Phase 3: Imduokay β 85%⇒55%
  • Same deal as with phase one, except there's one new ability: Heat Lightning!
  • Heat lightning targets a few players randomly and (in a small area, like thunderstruck) will apply a vuln.
  • This brings to light exactly how the charge mechanic is supposed to work. With anyone who doesn't have vulnerability acting as the buffer for the charge.
  • If the OT gets heat lightning, it might be is time to swap (so the MT can eat the charge). Good practice is to swap every heat though, so you don't need to scramble during charge.
  • Occasionally you'll have your prey here as well, but if your scholar can't handle a single prey while DPSing, take them behind the shed and put them out of their misery.

Phase 4: Adds β
  • Well shit, more adds. We start with 2x2 as with the other add phase,but you'll want to down these guys fast because another set is coming soon
  • Magic Limit 3 when you can, or stack and pop puchi meteo right before the split.
  • After splitting you'll want to down one of each out of the groups, and have the tanks pick up what they're missing when they spawn
  • That's pretty much it, go back to hitting the boss, while your boss ass SCH shields and soils everyone while dotting.

Phase 5: Imdubad γ 55%⇒Ain't no shit as ghosts%
  • Awesome new mechanic here that changes everything. Tethers!
    • This tethers a single player then does and awesome (splittable) amount of damage and a vuln.
    • You'll want two set players to take this when no one is vuln'd, with backups for one of the chosen being tethered/charged
    • Glorious Leader should be one.
  • Now we have a delicious combination of things to deal with.
    • Tether
    • Hot Lightning
    • Prey
    • Charge
  • The only problems come from tether combining with things like charge. In this case you have your set players soak (provided they aren't the charge target), then everyone else eat the charge
  • Lightning + Tether is easy: eat the tether if you aren't vuln'd
  • Prey is a fucking blessing here, it takes the burden off of the team and puts it on the SCH alone
  • Kill him dead now.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 12:37:39 PM by Abbas Al'Malik »

Offline talran

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Re: Turn 10 in a Nutshell? Yee.
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2015, 10:14:28 AM »
Hope this helps a bit Abes! ^^ノ

Phase 1: Imdugud α 100%⇒85%
  • The first mechanic you'll see here will be Crackle Hiss. The Maintank should have already moved Imdagud into position and have him facing north, so that only the Main Tank should get hit.
  • After Crackle Hiss, you'll see the Tankbuster Critical Rip. Tanks should pop a cooldown for this.
  • Right from the very beginning, your healers will need to be alert and ready for Prey.
    • A random player will get a red circle over their head and a lock on symbol in their debuff bar signalling Prey has marked them.
    • Your SCH should Adloquim that player, so that when prey goes off, it will not hurt them.
    • If they take damage, they get with with Erratic Blaster, which will explode after a few seconds, Paralyzing that player and hurting them for a moderate amount of damage.
    • The worst part of this is that if they get Erratic Blaster, Imdagud will get a Damage Buff.
  • The main group mechanic of this phase is Wild Charge.
    • This will target a random (non tank) player and apply vuln; this needs to be buffered by two to three players to decrese the damage taken.
    • Each player in the line of the charge will take less damage, and to survive the first hit, the closest should be the off tank (even a melee DPS is likely not going to survive the brunt of the first hit of the charge.)
  • Also, don't stand behind him when you don't need to, he has a Frontal cone AOE from both ends. (Spike's flail or something)
  • Oh yeah, I'm not going to mention it again, but the floor is about to start turning into lightning on a timer. This is your soft enrage. Get used to tight spaces.

Phase 2: Adds α
  • This cocky asshole is going to start charging his laser. Don't worry, you can actually stand in him fine right now and not take damage.
  • However, this brings us a nice new gift of ADDS four of them this time around.
    • Sons: Spike Tail + Shitty AoE pool on death, lasts long enough to fuck me up on the next phase sometimes
    • Daughters: Prey. のヮの
  • There will be two sons and two daughters, each tank should take one of each, because it's not cool to leave a brother high and dry THEY TETHER AND DO MASSIVE DAMAGE
    • Also, pull them off to separate sides.
  • Your WHM and SCH should be on point SSing and adloing people at the start, because you're about to eat a double prey, which will throw one of those damage stacks we mentioned earlier on our kitty friend.
  • Might want to start with a daughter first, they're the ones giving your scholar PTSD tender loving.
  • Take down the adds, and get back to smacking the boss.
  • Healers, now is a good time to heal up everyone and throw down virus, cause our friend is about to do a room wide AoE.

Phase 3: Imduokay β 85%⇒55%
  • Same deal as with phase one, except there's one new ability: Heat Lightning!
  • Heat lightning targets a few players randomly and (in a small area, like thunderstruck) will apply a vuln.
  • This brings to light exactly how the charge mechanic is supposed to work. With anyone who doesn't have vulnerability acting as the buffer for the charge.
  • If the OT gets heat lightning, it might be is time to swap (so the MT can eat the charge). Good practice is to swap every heat though, so you don't need to scramble during charge.
  • Occasionally you'll have your prey here as well, but if your scholar can't handle a single prey while DPSing, take them behind the shed and put them out of their misery.

Phase 4: Adds β
  • Well shit, more adds. We start with 2x2 as with the other add phase,but you'll want to down these guys fast because another set is coming soon
  • Magic Limit 3 when you can, or stack and pop puchi meteo right before the split.
  • After splitting you'll want to down one of each out of the groups, and have the tanks pick up what they're missing when they spawn
  • That's pretty much it, go back to hitting the boss, while your boss ass SCH shields and soils everyone while dotting.

Phase 5: Imdubad γ 55%⇒Ain't no shit as ghosts%
  • Awesome new mechanic here that changes everything. Tethers!
    • This tethers a single player then does and awesome (splittable) amount of damage and a vuln.
    • You'll want two set players to take this when no one is vuln'd, with backups for one of the chosen being tethered/charged
    • Glorious Leader should be one.
  • Now we have a delicious combination of things to deal with.
    • Tether
    • Hot Lightning
    • Prey
    • Charge
  • The only problems come from tether combining with things like charge. In this case you have your set players soak (provided they aren't the charge target), then everyone else eat the charge
  • Lightning + Tether is easy: eat the tether if you aren't vuln'd
  • Prey is a fucking blessing here, it takes the burden off of the team and puts it on the SCH alone
  • Kill him dead now.

Offline Abbas Al'Malik

  • Posts: 84
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Re: Turn 10 in a Nutshell? Yee.
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2015, 12:35:49 PM »
Daaaah yeah it does but I haven't continued my guide for a bit cause distractions ;;
I'll add that stuff in c:


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