Author Topic: Patch 2.45 Notes(12/09/2014)  (Read 33269 times)

Offline Ayasu

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Patch 2.45 Notes(12/09/2014)
« on: December 09, 2014, 01:58:02 AM »

Patch 2.45 will introduce a host of additions and refinements to the realm of Eorzea, starting with the long-awaited Ceremony of Eternal Bonding, adjustments to dragoon and ninja, changes to the Final Coil of Bahamut, and the continuation of the Zodiac Weapon quest line.

View the patch notes.

Offline Celedh Knight

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Re: Patch 2.45 Notes(12/09/2014)
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2014, 09:52:33 AM »
The last part of the relic quest looks like a doozy alright.

400k worth bought from vendors
6,400 tomes of soldiery woth of items bought from Rowena
80,000 GC seals worth of items from the grand company
Some 20+ drops with a small chance each from most of the high level/expert dungeons
Some items you only get from Desynthesis

Overall, seems like stuff we've done before (Novus Books, buying Alexandrites, running dungeons...) but without the flexibility of doing *anything/everything*, you have to do specific things instead.

On the other hand, it's confirmed you don't need your relic to be equipped, but you do need to be on the Nexus stage to get the dungeon drops (aka, have the quest active, which is logical enough).

I guess this is *fair* enough if this is the last part of the relic quest *ever*.

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Re: Patch 2.45 Notes(12/09/2014)
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2014, 12:02:41 PM »
Mein got.  Here I was bitching about just running dungeons and the atma farming.  I betcha this was intentional to tide people over until 3.0.

Offline Shane Gough

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Re: Patch 2.45 Notes(12/09/2014)
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2014, 02:04:02 PM »
What is this Excalibur?! What is this Ragnarok?! Why do pugilist arms have such crappy names?!
Edit: I suppose Kaiser sounds cool, but eeeeeeehhhh. :/

As a side note, all the Narutos of 14 will rejoice once they have Sasuke's blades. Series might be over, but it's not dead yet.
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Offline Celedh Knight

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Re: Patch 2.45 Notes(12/09/2014)
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2014, 02:52:13 PM »
I believe that Kaiser Knuckles were some of the best claws in FF6.

Sasuke's Blades were also some katanas in several other games (FF1, FF6...)

Most of these names are straight from previous games. Why does it relate to Naruto? Only because Naruto's author pulled most of the series from existing lores. Orochimaru, Tsunade and that hermit (the one that trained Naruto early on) were straight out of actual folklore. The way it was used is different, but most of the content is not as original as you'd think.

Same for FF in fact, most of the names are pulled of some mythology or another.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 03:15:42 PM by Celedh Knight »

Offline Ayasu

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Offline Shane Gough

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Re: Patch 2.45 Notes(12/09/2014)
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2014, 10:27:46 AM »
I'm just iffy on it name wise, really not doubting how good it'll be considering it's ilvl 125 (I think?). I like Norse mythology so the name Ragnarok is just something I'm drooling over. (another example is Odin. :P)

I don't doubt the reuse of names in this game as it's been pointed out by all of you whenever something like that pops out. I'm just saying it'll be a terrible pun (?) because there's still a ton of Naruto fans out there who (as I think Aya joked once) probably rejoiced for ninja and they will now rejoice at having a weapon with the name of their favorite emo. :/
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Offline Celedh Knight

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Re: Patch 2.45 Notes(12/09/2014)
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2014, 12:13:00 PM »
It's just that there are many people that think something along the lines of 'OMG, they named my sword from naruto <3' when it really isn't the case. Naruto is about as original as FF is. Nine-tailed beast, ninjitsu, all of those are from old Japanese tales, you can find lots of reference to them that aren't from Naruto.

Now I'm not saying that they wouldn't ever name something from Naruto sometimes, look at the quest names, or FATE names and such. Those are purposely made to be pop culture and puns. But we like to dispel the idea that it's from a certain source when it really isn't. Sasuke's Blade existed in FF well before Naruto ever existed, and probably took the name from the same source. Pretty sure there was a Sasuke weapon in FF4 for Edge in fact, even in the original translation in 1992.

Those that fawn over the fact that the relic weapon and a Naruto character have the same name, and think it's a reference to said character, are stupid or uninformed  :P Sometimes both, as in the case of die hard fanboys.

EDIT : I just thought of a good way to explain why we keep fixing people when they say things like this.
It's about as smart as saying that because there's Vampires in this game, it's totally referencing Buffy ;D
« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 12:49:43 PM by Celedh Knight »

Offline Ayasu

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Re: Patch 2.45 Notes(12/09/2014)
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2014, 12:15:19 PM »

Offline Celedh Knight

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Re: Patch 2.45 Notes(12/09/2014)
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2014, 09:59:09 AM »
 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
This is my brain freezing after the picture below. Read on.

So after you run 20 dungeons multiple times, spend 400k gil, get crafted and desynth items required, grind 6400 Soldiery and 80,000 GC seals, the last step asks you to convert your Nexus into a materia so they infuse it to the new relic.

In case you wonder, it is a joke and you get your materia, but they give you one last scare that you have to do this all over again. Nice job SquareEnix.

Offline Shane Gough

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Re: Patch 2.45 Notes(12/09/2014)
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2014, 10:11:02 AM »
So where's my "punch squeenix for scaring me" button? o.O
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