Hey everyone!
First, I'd like to welcome all the new members we've seen signing up for the forums in the last week or so -- welcome aboard! :3 There're alot of unfamiliar names out there, but we're all pretty excited to see you join us in-game.
All of the leadership will be on at 2AM PST, when the servers come up for Early Access. At that point, feel free to hit up any of us for invites to the Free Company!The names of those who can invite are as follows:
Ayasu Lemieux
Celedh Knight
Jollena Amastael
Laude Thievenaix
I wanted to kinda make a post here, to introduce myself a bit, and let you all know where we come from as a guild/Free Company.
Feel free to reply to this thread, as well, so we can get to know you guys a little better too! Go ahead and include your character names, so we know who we're getting /tells from to get you invites. ^^
I'm Ayasu! In-game, my name will be "Ayasu Lemieux," and I'm the one heading up this whole thing. I've been playing MMOs, now, for over 10 years, most of that I've been a leader in some way, shape or form, of a guild. Like many of my other leaders, I started in Final Fantasy XI, the day it came out here in the US. Not more than a month later, I was in charge of a social linkshell, that ran events like lowbie runs, scavenger hunts and the like, as well as some of the organized low-level content(Garrison, Eco-Warrior, etc).
In 2007, though, Dimensional Death was founded, and we started running end-game content on FFXI, like Sky, Dynamis, etc. In 2009, a chunk of us moved to World of Warcraft, for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, to experience raiding and end-game there. We've been there until just recently, where we're making the move kinda back to our roots -- back to Final Fantasy.
So that's it! I really look forward to seeing everyone in-game. Let's make Dimensional Death the best it possibly can be! ^^
Oh, and one last bit -- if you guys are interested in raiding end-game(once we figure out how FF14 is going to handle lockouts, etc), go ahead and hit the "Raiding Application" on the left.
Feel free to take a look over our Rules section, too!
See you all in a few hours!