
Welcome to Dimensional Death, a Final Fantasy XIV Free Company that is currently on Excalibur.

Our Free Company is based around the spirit of cooperation. If you are friendly, helpful, responsible, committed, and able to take a joke or two, you are quite welcomed to join us! We are still searching for raiders, as well as casual players and crafters. Part of the fun is getting better, improving your levels or equipment, and sometimes you need the extra help to do that. That is what Dimensional Death stands for. United, friendly, helpful.

If you are interested in joining us contact any of the officers in-game(Ayasu Lemieux, Celedh Knight, Haldis Omholt, Slvr Stryker, Taber Tia or Laude Valiquette). If you're interested in raiding with us, please use the Raiding Application link on the right side bar.

Even if you are not interested in raiding, we still like having friendly people, crafters for the housing, or just people to chat with during the slower moments.

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Author Topic: [DD10] Stormblood-themed Glamour Contest  (Read 96344 times)

Offline Ayasu

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[DD10] Stormblood-themed Glamour Contest
« on: May 14, 2017, 12:34:12 AM »
Hey guys! Our next event is next weekend. It's gonna be a Glamour Contest! Let's go ahead and get right into the particulars, though!

Where: Dimensional Death Free Company Manor: Goblet, Plot 19, Ward 3, basement
When: Saturday, May 20th @ 6:30pm Central. (7:30pm Eastern, 4:30pm Pacific)
Theme: We'll have two categories! To celebrate Stormblood, we'll have a bit of a focus on the Far East!

Category 1: Casual - do your best to show off your Far Eastern style!
Category 2: Combat - Bring your best Samurai, Ninja, Monk or Red Mage styles!

Rules: All costume submissions must be submitted by screenshot -- either by supplying your own, or by contacting Ayasu Lemieux in-game to take screenshots for you. If you submit your own, PLEASE make sure the lighting is good! Screenshots must be submitted by 11:59pm Pacific on Friday night. Costumes will be rated by our panel of Judges throughout the day on Saturday. Results will be announced during the walk-ons on Saturday. If you are not able to be there for the walk-ons, you will be disqualified. You can only submit an entry for one(1) category.  You may do a walk on for both categories.

All entries must be from characters on Excalibur.

All participants must be available to do walk-ons on stage by 5:30pm Central. Why an hour before start time? So we can do a quick "rehearsal" for the main show! This will help solidify the order we walk on and *hopefully* reduce the amount of chaos, should we get a lot of entries. Note: These rules and prizes are subject to change. Edits will be posted and clarified!

How to submit entries: There are a few ways you can get screenshots over to us. First, by tweeting @ayasumonk on Twitter. You can also shoot me an email using this link with the subject "DD10 - Glamour Contest". You can also submit via Discord by joining my Stream Discord and sending me a PM with the screenshot attached.

As there are two categories, there will be two 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners -- one for each category. The prize lists for both categories are as follows: Due to low submissions we've combined both categories into one, and there will only be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.

1st Place Prizes
100k gil
1 Zu Mount Token or 1 Expeditioner Cap Token
1 A World Apart Orchestrion Scroll or 1 Engage Orchestrion Scroll
Choice of 2 pets from the list below(no doubles)
Bahamut Miniature

2nd Place Prizes
50k gil
1 A World Apart Orchestrion Scroll or 1 Engage Orchestrion Scroll
Choice of 1 pet from the list below.
Odin Miniature

3rd Place Prizes
25k gil
Choice of 1 pet from the list below.
Magitek Reaper

Everyone else will receive 1 pet in the order they were scored by the judges. Everyone gets something!

Pet List
Tomato King  Onion Prince  Eggplant Knight
UnicoltDress-up AlisaeWind-Up Tonberry
NutkinUgly DucklingTight-beaked Parrot
GaelikittenPaissa BratDress-up Thancred
SmallshellInfant ImpGold Rush Minecart
Pudgy PukBaby BunMandragora Queen
BluebirdWind-up Estinien
« Last Edit: May 20, 2017, 02:13:47 PM by Ayasu »


 Final Fantasy XIV News

 Breaking News

Please sign up to the forums with your character name, so we know who you are!

Excalibur Character creation is usually open early in the morning, until 3pm CST on weekdays, and 10am CST on weekends.

The SUGGESTION BOX FORUM is now open! If there's anything you'd like to bring up to the officers for whatever reason, this is the place to do so. You can also submit anonymously using the ANONYMOUS SUGGESTION BOX

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