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Author Topic: Heavernsward Hunt Marks  (Read 40249 times)

Offline Ayasu

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Heavernsward Hunt Marks
« on: June 19, 2015, 03:37:51 AM »
Use this thread to post information about hunting marks. Screenshots, positions, and star rank (1-2-3) of the mark bills would be appreciated of course!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 07:09:15 AM by Celedh Knight »

Offline Celedh Knight

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Re: Heavernsward Hunt Marks
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2015, 07:08:40 AM »
Modified this thread for the need. I'm starting on the project this morning!

Offline Haldis Omholt

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Re: Heavernsward Hunt Marks
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2015, 10:35:51 AM »
I'll throw in the screenshots I have once I'm home from work today.

Offline Abbas Al'Malik

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Re: Heavernsward Hunt Marks
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2015, 11:56:08 AM »
Bold = Newly Added

Wild Chocobo: Chocobo Forest, The Dravianian Forelands (36,23)
Icetrap: Riversmeet, Coerthas Western Highlands (27,16)
Polar Bear: Twinpools, Coerthas Western Highlands (17,21)
Archaeornis: Twinpools, Coerthas Western Highlands (20,12)
Bergthurs: Riversmeet, Coerthas Western Highlands
Lone Yet: Red Rim, Coerthas Western Highlands
Wooly Yak: Twinpools, Coerthas Western Highlands
Gelato: Twinpools, Coerthas Western Highlands (Rank 2)
Cloudworm: Voor Sian Siran, The Sea of Clouds
Conodont: Voor Sian Siran, The Sea of Clouds (26,32)
Lan'laii Gundu: Vundu Ok'Bendu, The Sea of Clouds (Rank 1+2)
Gastornis: Cloudtop, The Sea of Clouds
Obdella: Voor Sian Siran, The Sea of Clouds

Feather Flea: Chocobo Forest, The Dravanian Forelands (Same as Chocobos)
Loaghtan: The Smoldering Wastes, The Dravanian Forelands (27,27)
Clearwater Ninki Nanka: The Smoldering Wastes, The Dravanian Forelands
Miacid: Avalonia Fallen, The Dravanian Forelands (Rank 1+2)
Tulihand: Monsterie, The Churning Mists (Rank 2)
Bladed Vinegaroon: Ohl Tahn, The Churning Mists (Rank 2)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 12:07:15 PM by Abbas Al'Malik »

Offline Haldis Omholt

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Re: Heavernsward Hunt Marks
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2015, 01:35:24 PM »
Hopefully these uploaded in the right order. If not, I'll fix later:  http://imgur.com/a/Tsxt5
All the images have the location circled.
Note:  these aren't necessarily from my hunt marks, just all monster locations I've found, since it seems quite a lot of them are on the rotation. I'll try to update with bill star ratings as I get them.
Here's the order:

Churning Mists:
Elder Syricta - Eil Tohm, The House of Letters 35,21 (2-star)
Bladed Vinegaroon - Ohl Tahn 13,22 (2-star)
Blood Dragon - Olh Tahn, Easton Eyes 27,10
Cloud Aevis - Greensward 11,36 (3-star)
Diresaur location 1 - Ohl Tahn 10,10
Diresaur location 2 - Ohl Tahn, Sothton Walls 7,19
Dragonet - 18,12
Elder Wyvern - Four Arms 24,28
Gnarled Melia - Ohl Tahn, Gron Rhei 13,20
Limestone Golem - Ohl Tahn 7,13
Lower Skylord - Four Arms 18,29
Mists Biast - Eil Tohm 32,31
Mists Drake - Ohl Tahn 12,17
Vouivre - Ohl Tahn, The Rookery 20,17 (2-star)

Coerthas Western Highlands:
Bergthurs - Riversmeet 31,24 (under the bridge)
Coldwind Bataleur location 1 - Riversmeet 34,13
Coldwind Bataleur location 2 - 29,10
Grand Archaeornis - 34,19
Ice Dragon - Red Rim 13,23
Ice Zoblyn - 16,32
Lone Yeti - Red Rim, The Bed of Bones 20,30
Polar Bear - Twinpools 18,21
Slate Yeti - Red Rim 16,28
Sorbet - Red Rim 17,25
Vindthurs - 11,7

Dravanian Forelands
Clearwater Ninki Nanka - The Smoldering Wastes, Whilom River 25,28 (all along this stretch of river)
Gallimimus - 17,17 (outside mountain path)

I'll take more locations as I continue to play and get hunt marks and sidequests.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 03:52:06 PM by Haldis Omholt »

Offline talran

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Re: Heavernsward Hunt Marks
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2015, 01:39:48 AM »
I'm going to go ahead and drop these in...


Every time I come across a hunt mob, I've been taking snippets of the mark bill with the location, and appropriately naming them.

I'm sure there's a lot of manual work to be done, but this is just a collection of locations I've personally found.
This should help us track down the locations of the mobs, there very well likely are repeats with yalls data, but having extra copies just means another circle on the map for people to chase.

I'll keep the album updated as I hunt!

Offline Laude

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Re: Heavernsward Hunt Marks
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2015, 08:13:06 PM »
Posting ones I don't see above.

Forelands Hippocerf - The Dravanian Forelands - 12,27

Miacid - The Dravanian Forelands - 18,29 (Abbas posted this one but no coordinates)

Sankchinni - The Churning Mists - 29,32

Offline Tunod

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Re: Heavernsward Hunt Marks
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2015, 10:40:15 PM »
Melia - Two-star, Dravanian forelands, 28,24 and 27,21

Offline Celedh Knight

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Re: Heavernsward Hunt Marks
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2015, 11:07:58 PM »
Thank you for all of the input, but we have all of the information we need now :) So closing this down.

The current pages are ready for perusing :

Western Coerthas
The Sea of Clouds


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