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Author Topic: Turn 9 in a Nutshell, ish.  (Read 20516 times)

Offline Abbas Al'Malik

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Turn 9 in a Nutshell, ish.
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:57:01 PM »
    So, I've been studying Turn 9 (SCoB T4) and wanted to share some of the knowledge I've found. I've mainly been watching videos on Youtube, but also have been communicating with the raid group members to try and iron this out. (MTQcapture has been my main source, Mr. Happy and a couple others for other points of view...)
    I will edit this post as I learn more and try to get as detailed as possible. (And a bit neater!)

Stardust->Iron/Thermionic->Lunar Dynamo->Meteor Stream (one)-> Meteor stream (Two)

  • Targets Random non tank player with Red or Yellow mark which will drop meteors.
  • Move to specific drop zones for meteors.
  • Dont get squashed! As soon as the mark disappears, move away.
  • Don't put meteors so close, or meteors explode and will wipe the raid.
  • Tankbuster, Be ready to heal and/or shield if ncessary.
  • Puts a 12s Debuff that explodes at the end, so dont go near tank
Iron Chariot ->Thermionic Beam
  • Avoid middle of arena to Bait AOE to the outside.
  • After AoE, Stack in center to heal through beam
  • WHM: Medica II and Medica through
  • SCH: Succor
Ravensbeak->Dalamud Dive
  • Will jump on tank and do double damage first time around, then rest will be only one.
  • AOE, Melee should beware of this. Stay away from the tank at this time until Nael returns.
Lunar Dynamo
  • VERY LARGE Range, Be in melee range or FAAAR AWAY
  • She heals for every hit (including pets) but not by much
Meteor Stream
  • Marks 4 random players, spread out for this and don't overlap other marked players.
  • Every other Stream will hit twice; Healers be ready!
  • 3 Non healer players are marked with green icon over their heads.
  • At this time, move to appointed positions to drop Golem meteors.
  • All non marked players to the center for healing;
  • refrain from Medica II due to Spawning golems. (You'll pull hate)
  • Succor while most are in center to mitigate some of the AoE Damage
  • Golems will spawn from the 3 marked locations, and raid group will have appointed 3 people to deal with them.
  • Each person will move clockwise to feed the golems the meteors, but do not feed them more than 3, or do not let them get too close together as this will create a super-golem that will wipe the raid.
  • Each meteor will give a stacking buff according to their color.
    • Red-> Attack damage up
    • Yellow-> Haste (Skill speed)
  • Once the first 3 golems die, there will be more meteors, followed by more golems. Rinse and repeat as before.

Megaflare (Transition)
  • Shield and Heal through;
  • She will immediately afterwards dive onto the tank
  • Stay in the Middle range of arena, Not dead center. A HUGE pillar will fall into the ground and crush you if you're too close, and push you backwards. If you're too far away, it'll push you into the laser wall of death!
  • After avoiding the spacejunk falling from the sky, the pillar will create yellow AoE's, move out of these ASAP. They will gradually become harder to dodge, so DPS should try to burn Nael when they can.

Ghost Additional Mob
  • A Tank will grab this add
  • Avoid Fire AOE from this add, especially when it dies.

Garrote Twist
  • White circles will dispell Stack
  • Will kill if ignored (60s)

Binding Chain
  • Simular to twist but stop stacking when add dies
  • Can be ignored once Add is dead

  • Targets players with ground AOE
  • Stay out, as it causes damage and heavy
AT 47%:
Bahamut's Favor
--Will gradually increase damage
--Soft enrage

Bahamut's Claw
--Massive Tank-buster; 5 hits repetitive
--Tank should use a cool-down when possible.

Dragons throw elemental spells (Fire/Ice/Lightning) and will dive bomb at set intervals. First two, then the third, then they reset. The marker is the same as T5 DBs. Dives work as follows.
  • Dragons are numbered starting from 12 o clock (straight north) and counting from there clockwise. If there is one on 12, that will be One.
    • One and Two will dive (Should sack somewhere between them, best to have a healer or offtank mark where it is, you'll have time.)
    • 10 o'clock is a pretty solid place to sack the last one, just don't stand in front of him. One of the three rotations will have number three there, in that case move a bit to either side so he's sweeping out of the arena, instead of the center.
    • After this they reset, remove the first mark, and set it again
  • Odd Cycles divebombs will be followed by Meteor Stream->Meteor Stream
  • Even Cycles will be followed by Chariot+Thermonic after one and two dive, and then Lunar circle of doom after the second dive.
  • DPS who got the DB mark should sprint to get inside of lunar. A living TP starved person is better than one who's weakened and wasted a swiftcast.

  • ICEBITTEN-> Get fire!
  • FIRESCORCHED->Yellow Tether, Get Ice!
  • ODD-> Out
  • EVEN-> In


    Common Issues

The biggest issue in this part of the fight is Anticipation, knowing the rotation and preparing/acting accordingly before it is thrown at you, especially Phase 4.
   Turn 9 is pretty Merciless, any fault made may cause a wipe, so it's important that everyone knows what they're doing and does so in a timely manner. Seriously, I can't emphasize enough how important it is to know what to do. It's vital!
   While on this topic, Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of groups fall apart because they wait on someone to tell them what to do, because they have no idea what to do in the first place. If you don't know what to do, and wait to be told, then you've probably wasted what little precious time you had, and you wont have enough time to deal with the mechanic accordingly, especially divebombs and Thermionic beam. Those two moves are merciless against hesitation, and even just a tiny moment of not moving may cost a wipe (Due to either not stacking in time, or not getting to your marker and hitting raid with divebombs.)


    Raid Group Advice

    My other piece of advice is to remain calm and focused, AND TAKE BREAKS. An aggravated mind can't think straight, and loses focus, so it's pretty important that your crew remains calm, and if people start losing focus or are getting frustrated, don't feel bad about taking a break. I see this issue in a lot of groups as well where tensions get high, and people are not given a chance to cool off, thus more issues arise.
     On this topic, I highly suggest a 10 minute break every hour or so. Give your raiders a chance to cool off, grab a snack, use the bathroom, etc. Constantly smashing face against a turn without a break has some pretty nasty effects, you'd be surprised how much help that break will be.
    For example, I've had a lot of groups that don't take breaks and run for a couple hours to begin with. If I don't get a break, I get tired/unmotivated and lose focus, and, sometimes, get hungry because I didn't eat dinner, or haven't had the chance to use the WC. If your raiders are not at their best, both of mind and body, then they can't focus and do their job as well as they could. I noticed that when I wasn't feeling so hot, or getting frustrated due to constant wipes, I wasn't doing as well as I could; I was off my game, because I was distracted by my stomach pain and/or the growing need for a Bio break, or my frustration got in the way of my train of thought. Sometimes, even, this tension and frustration lead to incidents with other raid members in which people's frustrations caused souls to be at each other's throats, ready to lose control. For me, this shouldn't be happening, and could most possibly be avoided by giving your people a break so they can cool off before tensions get too high.
     Now, what you do during that break is up to each individual person and static. I personally like to take notes between each wipe about errors being made (Not just by myself but others as well) and overlook it so that I can see any errors made and see where we could improve. If I'm not doing that, I chat with other raiders, to ease my tension and relax before we return. Of course, that chat doesn't happen before I take care of my personal needs first.
     Though, I've also seen groups take that break instead with their leader pulling everyone together and telling the group what errors they saw being made, and then offering advice on how to fix it. I think personally this a great idea, to come together as a group and offer advice / Constructive Criticism on how to fix each other's mistakes. THEN After their mini-meeting they take a break to deal with personal needs.

     That's really all the advice I have, for now. Though, I'm sure as I continue, I'll learn more and write it down here, as well as common issues and advice![/list]
« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 11:15:40 AM by Abbas Al'Malik »

Offline talran

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Re: Turn 9 in a Nutshell, ish.
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2015, 04:18:28 PM »
Dragons are the ones throwing the elemental spells (Fire/Ice/Lightning) as you said, and will divebomb at set intervals. First two, then the third, then they reset. The marker is the same as T5 DBs. Dives work as follows.
  • Dragons are numbered starting from 12 o clock (straight north) and counting from there clockwise. If there is one on 12, that will be One.
    • One and Two will dive (Should sack somewhere between them, best to have a healer or offtank mark where it is, you'll have time.)
    • 10 o'clock is a pretty solid place to sack the last one, just don't stand in front of him. One of the three rotations will have number three there, in that case move a bit to either side so he's sweeping out of the arena, instead of the center.
    • After this they reset, remove the first mark, and set it again
  • Odd Cycles bombs will be followed by Meteor Stream->Meteor Stream
  • Even Cycles will be followed by Chariot+Thermonic after one and two dive, and then Lunar circle of doom after the second dive.
  • DPS who got the DB mark should sprint to get inside of lunar. A living TP starved perosn is better than one who's weakened and wasted a swiftcast.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 04:20:22 PM by talran »

Offline Abbas Al'Malik

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Re: Turn 9 in a Nutshell, ish.
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2015, 09:28:55 PM »
Thank you for that! The guide was still under construction and enhancement when you posted, but I've taken your post and added it to the phase list.
This is the phase I need more practice with as well, so to have this helps a bunch. \o


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