Frontpage Announcements > Dimensional Death(FFXI) Announcements
Important announcement concerning the Linkshell...
After much consideration, I've decided that I'm just... bored with FFXI. I've been thinking about this for a while, and I've decided that I'm making my move to WoW permanent. I've been playing it again now for a few days and I can say that I've enjoyed the last few days in WoW more than I have the last few months in FFXI. The game has just lost it's appeal to me. This wasn't an easy decision to make -- so hard a decision that I hadn't even brought it up to the other leaders. I hope you guys go on to be one of the greatest linkshells on Phoenix. Mean while, I'll be making the grind from level 60 to 70 on WoW. That said, I will be breaking the linkshell and handing leadership over to Phillipio.
[Posted 4/1/2008]
lol April Fools. :D
Dibs on second-in-command.
Dude... like I'm sad. Who am I going to annoy now?
--- Quote from: Tofupowered on April 01, 2008, 01:10:18 PM ---Dude... like I'm sad. Who am I going to annoy now?
--- End quote ---
Who said we're keeping you around? You seem to not understand that we just want you to get lost, and hopefully quit the game.
Lawl, April Fool's Day.
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