
Welcome to Dimensional Death, a Final Fantasy XIV Free Company that is currently on Excalibur.

Our Free Company is based around the spirit of cooperation. If you are friendly, helpful, responsible, committed, and able to take a joke or two, you are quite welcomed to join us! We are still searching for raiders, as well as casual players and crafters. Part of the fun is getting better, improving your levels or equipment, and sometimes you need the extra help to do that. That is what Dimensional Death stands for. United, friendly, helpful.

If you are interested in joining us contact any of the officers in-game(Ayasu Lemieux, Celedh Knight, Haldis Omholt, Slvr Stryker, Taber Tia or Laude Valiquette). If you're interested in raiding with us, please use the Raiding Application link on the right side bar.

Even if you are not interested in raiding, we still like having friendly people, crafters for the housing, or just people to chat with during the slower moments.

 Hunting Logs Guide Tips

If you notice an error on the Hunting or Clan Marks Guides, please post about it under the appropriate thread in the Guides subforum:

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[Report] Clan Centurio Hunt Marks Errors

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Re: [Report]Hunting Log E...
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Last Poster: Yemene2 on August 12, 2019, 02:15:48 AM

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Last Poster: Ayasu on January 13, 2018, 06:22:59 PM

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Author Topic: [Dimensional Death] Memberlist Pruning  (Read 101656 times)

Offline Ayasu

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[Dimensional Death] Memberlist Pruning
« on: April 25, 2016, 09:18:19 PM »
Hey guys.

As you all know, periodically we go through and remove people from the FC for being inactive for an extended period of time(in this case, 180+ days).

Tonite, I've removed  42 members for inactivity. Any person on this list is free to re-join the FC once they've returned.

Rashidi Sernova
Devand Disasterpeace
Brandir Johnson
Vea Shizhen
Lucca Mapachitli
Kaelethin Greene
Trahern Mimimuko
Volkai Phoenix
Voidmist Ravenblack
Tet Tauma
Ainsley Elaine
Aria Eos
Selaine Muraudel
Neila Moondrinker
Cole Findhaven
Nekir Ikan
Convex Wolf
Aleister Merovech
Ardent Tenue
Final Fury
Milo Onionbottom
Atara Mos
Ydra Payne
Nokrad Do'urden
Mardune Hydefork
Deimos Starr
Ambelina Ferosa
Neko Deko
Fola Scath
Beardy Mcgee
Solid Holly
Bobby Harris
Kognati Greenbeard
Diran Ilsvire
Tristana Crowguard
Keef Reefer
Aeriana Seraph
Caroll Danvers
Dexter Alruin
Atesia Laurelin
Aesher Fain
Obsidian Fortress

Additionally, rank changes have been made as follows:

Rabien Blackrose has been demoted to ?Inactive.?
Mofar Mac'cionaoith has been demoted to ?Inactive.?
Noranda La'luna has been demoted to ?Inactive.?
Peachus Greywolfe has been demoted to ?Inactive.?
Seirath Ephraim has been demoted to ?Inactive.?
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 09:20:56 PM by Ayasu »


 Final Fantasy XIV News

 Breaking News

Please sign up to the forums with your character name, so we know who you are!

Excalibur Character creation is usually open early in the morning, until 3pm CST on weekdays, and 10am CST on weekends.

The SUGGESTION BOX FORUM is now open! If there's anything you'd like to bring up to the officers for whatever reason, this is the place to do so. You can also submit anonymously using the ANONYMOUS SUGGESTION BOX

 Rules and Applications


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