Linkshells > Raiders of the Lost Ark

[ArkRaid] Raid night availability!

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Availability: 'Yes'.
Preference: Wednesdays, if we can. It's a nice middle-of-the-week day that shouldn't conflict too hard with most raiding schedules or those weirdos who go out and do other stuff (or stay in and do other stuff) on the weekends.
Multiple Days: With the weekly upgrade token dropping separately from loot, and each chest dropping two pieces of loot instead of one, I think we're at a point where we only need to make one regular weekly run. This leaves more room for folks to go do other stuff like Diadem or Savage with their existing statics, and if people don't get their loot on the weekly run, they can always ask around on the linkshell.

6-11 PM PST MON-FRI and available weekends.

Cissnei Shisune:
I'm available all weekdays after 6:30 PM CST, and most weekends, although i can't guarantee i can make every weekend run.

Haldis Omholt:
I figured I may as well post here, since this is the raid night time thread, even if things are already set!

My schedule is changing massively starting on January 11, and I will no longer be able to be on Monday or Wednesday until after 9:30PM, occasionally later.

I may end up having to step back from joining everyone until the semester ends.

You're not allowed to skip tuesdays.


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