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Author Topic: Chocobo stables!  (Read 26848 times)


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Chocobo stables!
« on: July 09, 2014, 03:15:50 PM »

There has been smatterings of discussion regarding the Chocobo stables.  So let's figure things out!

-There was talk about setting it so people could train other people's Chocobos, what do folks think of this?  It would allow achievements, lets folks toss all the birds some XP, but also have a chance of shifting the favored food of a bird. (potentially offset if the whole FC is eating the same supply)
-Brooms for cleaning it (HAHAHAHA, Square why ;_;).  For those that are aware of their procurement, any ideas?
-Haldis is trying to grow some of the reward feed, is there a specific one we want to aim for (once the path is determined).
« Last Edit: July 26, 2014, 07:41:14 PM by Ayasu »

Offline Flare

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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2014, 03:18:40 PM »
- I don't mind people playing with my bird. And honestly, I'd like the achievement for playing with other birds.
- If there's a way to mine or gather some items, I believe we can all chip in.
- No clue! :D

Offline Haldis Omholt

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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2014, 09:41:00 PM »
I am going to assume we want the XP boost food, but I'm not sure yet how to get the seeds. For now, I'm growing a bunch of Krakka Roots, since that's the only seeds that are buyable.

Offline Ayasu

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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2014, 01:24:34 PM »
I'll be changing the permissions here in a bit.

Quote from: Chocobo Training Help Menu
Your chocobo can earn Companion EXP through training. However, please note that his rank can only be increased through battle.
To train a chocobo, you must first prepare feed to use as a reward. Some types of feed may also be used to grant beneficial effects to your chocobo if he has been summoned to battle.
Should you reward a chocobo with the same feed several times, it will become his favorite feed, and the beneficial effects granted by it when he is deployed will be enhanced.
Additionally, if your chocobo has already attained the maximum rank, you can feed him Thavnairian onions following training to increase this upper limit.
It is also possible to train other members' chocobos if you have been granted the authority to do so. However, please note that you cannot raise the maximum rank of other members' chocobos, nor can you influence their feed preferences.
Chocobos must rest and recuperate between your training sessions. However, because they react positively to new stimulation, other members can train the same chocobo during this period─after which they will have to wait before they can do so again.


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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2014, 01:27:15 PM »
YESSSSSSSSSS, this is good news.

Offline Sephine

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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2014, 06:39:09 AM »
Looking forward to all the free XP this may or may not net my bird, the companion weekly bonus only goes so far... (T∀T)

In any case, I take it that any chocobo stabled is fair game to feed? I hope so, because I just fed all the birds right before logging off f(^-​^;)

I'd like a clarification as to how the FC's supply of krakka roots are to be used. My concern is that the stock gets depleted by a dedicated few, and it upsets someone. To note, the above feeding was out of pocket, as I needed to clear some inventory space was feeling generous and didn't want to touch the current stocks.

Suggestion to that effect: Set stable feeding days/times, so that people can be sure to stable their birds, and then all the birds get fed. The feeder can be a rotating position, because there's a cheevo for doing that(?), and leaving someone out is mean, mean like Robotnik's bean machine (・ε・)

This sets a good metric to determine how frequently the farming can support feeding the stable. It allows for a pace of farming and feeding to not require someone to lose sleep tending crops, or something seriously unfun to that degree.

With regards to growing other types of feeds, I hear tell that some crop crossbreeding needs be done for them. If so, that will cut into the plots used for growing the current supply, so if that is the case, dedicating some plots for experimental growing needs be done before figuring out how many are to be used for stable feed.


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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2014, 06:56:48 AM »
I know Aya already mentioned having a post in the works for this.  There was going to be somewhat of a rotation so that folks could get the Acheivement as well as start eating into the Guild-Chest Supplies (since while I'd like some on-hand, having 123097543823523906 Krakka roots in the chest means I'm losing at my job).  I think the phrase for here is "Please look forward to it!"™

The Gardening side of things is going to be sketchy for a while, if I recall correctly we're still trying to go after Glazenuts as well as Chocobo feed, broom brush, and minions. (though if the stable broom recipe changes, this may change) I might see if I can bother Haldis to make a post to update us where it's all at and what he may still need.

Offline Ayasu

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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2014, 12:17:21 PM »
Yuh, I've admittedly been lazy. Planned on getting the groundwork for the planning(yo dawg) of Chocobo stuff done tonite, after the company picnic

Offline Shane Gough

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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2014, 12:37:36 PM »
Then again, Aya should not be doing things half-asleep so let's give her some time.

(btw, dunno if it's the lighting on the avatar or my screen, but I swear that snowman is smirking at me)
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Offline Haldis Omholt

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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2014, 02:01:33 PM »
One of our two garden patches is currently dedicated to crossbreeding for Curiel seeds. We're almost out of our Thanalan grade 3 topsoil, though, and could probably use some more Shroud 3.
Once we're at 8 Curiel seeds, I'll plant a batch of them.

Offline Ayasu

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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2014, 12:27:26 AM »
I know I said I'd do something tonite, but I am exhausted, a little dehydrated and sore all over. I will work on this in the morning, but may not have something visable to share just yet

Offline Haldis Omholt

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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2014, 05:37:32 PM »
Things I have found about Chocobo food:

When feeding others' birds, always use Krakka roots. They're the easiest to grow and have no modifiers.

When feeding your own bird, if you give it the same feed 10 times in a row, that will become its favorite feed. What other people feed your bird does not affect this.

Any feed (except Krakka and Thavnarian Onion) can be given in the field and act as a buff. If that feed is the chocobo's favorite, then the buff gets a bonus.

Right now I'm growing Curiel roots, whose in-field buff is bonus XP. Though it takes 10 to make it a favorite and then more for use in the field, so we'll probably need a store of a lot of them before we can go handing them out left and right...

Offline Haldis Omholt

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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2014, 06:13:59 AM »
Magicked Stable Brooms now no longer require Glazenuts to craft, and a single craft yields 30 instead of 20.
We still need a level 50 Botanist to get some Bamboo for us, though!  Broombush is currently in the process of being crossbred, so we should hopefully have some within a week.
A broom can also now be bought from the Junkmonger NPC in the basement for 20k.

Offline Ayasu

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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2014, 01:56:19 PM »
20k is a little steep, but I think with the initial rush of people throwing their bird in the stables and force feeding them Krakka Roots, the stables seem to stay cleaner longer

Offline Lissi

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Re: Chocobo stables!
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2014, 02:27:50 PM »
They are 10k on the market right now.
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