Author Topic: Seams Geeky Kickstarter  (Read 21715 times)

Offline Ayasu

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Seams Geeky Kickstarter
« on: December 06, 2013, 04:45:27 PM »
Hey guys!

I don't normally do posts like this, but I feel this is for a pretty good cause.

A couple of good friends of mine(and FC-mates!), Greg(Maelyn Mosvanni) and Liz(Calaerial Little), are currently in the middle of a Kickstarter to get a new Embroidery machine for their business. Currently, they do geek-themed embroidery stuff on things like towels, patches and (for the parents) cloth diapers.

They're wanting to expand this into things like hats, bigger patches, bigger towels with bigger designs, hoodies and a whole bunch of other things! To do this, though, they need to raise a little over $14,000. Now, they're already a good chunk of the way there(at ~$11k at the time of this posting) and just need that little push to get over and get funded.

I'd appreciate it if, at any way possible, you guys could help spread the word, or chip in a little for this? It'd really ease things up on them alot, and make it so that they're able to push out their stuff at an even faster pace, overall lowering the prices and backorder they've got right now. At the moment, they're working with two smaller machines, one of which is on its last legs(almost died on'em last night!)

Check out their Kickstarter video below, and click the link to check out their page.

Thanks guys! :D

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>