Author Topic: 8/22 FF14 News Highlights  (Read 9865 times)

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8/22 FF14 News Highlights
« on: August 23, 2013, 01:43:57 AM »
Hey all! We plan to post some news highlights here, at the end of the day(may change to weekly) to try to loop everyone in who doesn't constantly F5 the forums, or reddit.

EDIT: PC Client patch is available! Get on it!

Early Access

Will there be a level cap for Early Access?
There is no level cap limitation in place for early access! (Source)

Is there going to be a time grace period for players that have to pick up physical #FFXIV games on launch day?
Early access will not end before the official launch begins, so don't worry!
For those asking about waiting for their physical packages to arrive with their full reg. code -- early access users will be able to play until August 30th.


I just want to confirm with dev team here that the NDA still not lift for video live broadcast yet or not?
As we announced previously, video and audio taken during early access may not be posted or streamed.

Users are able to record video during early access (and previously, Beta 4) but may not post the video until launch.

Going forward, we'll try to post some more interesting news bits, but this is the jist of everything I could find tonite!
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 11:13:35 AM by Ayasu »