Author Topic: Dimensional Death FF14 Beta Screenshot gathering  (Read 13367 times)

Offline Ayasu

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Dimensional Death FF14 Beta Screenshot gathering
« on: June 30, 2013, 12:31:32 AM »
At some point during the next testing phase, I would like to gather people together in one spot so we can get a big group photo of all of our characters -- no matter if we just got in, or have been in since Alpha/1.0, I wanna get a nice big group Beta screenshot for the forums and Facebook group. :D

Where: Costa del Sol
When: Saturday July 6th(tentative), time not set, but sometime in the evening.

Please reply to this post with the times that work best for you all in the evenings, so we can schedule this! Would be a fun way to mark what's essentially the end of the actual beta. :D