
Welcome to Dimensional Death, a Final Fantasy XIV Free Company that is currently on Excalibur.

Our Free Company is based around the spirit of cooperation. If you are friendly, helpful, responsible, committed, and able to take a joke or two, you are quite welcomed to join us! We are still searching for raiders, as well as casual players and crafters. Part of the fun is getting better, improving your levels or equipment, and sometimes you need the extra help to do that. That is what Dimensional Death stands for. United, friendly, helpful.

If you are interested in joining us contact any of the officers in-game(Ayasu Lemieux, Celedh Knight, Haldis Omholt, Slvr Stryker, Taber Tia or Laude Valiquette). If you're interested in raiding with us, please use the Raiding Application link on the right side bar.

Even if you are not interested in raiding, we still like having friendly people, crafters for the housing, or just people to chat with during the slower moments.

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That one time when we didn't think we could do the thing, but then we did the thing. That was alright

*frowns thoughtfully* I've been here for ages. Unfortunately, my memory has been destroyed due to my illness. I think my favorite memory that I can remember is last year at Las Vegas. I'd been down and depressed and fighting my MS. I really needed a pick-me-up. So I went with the crew to FanFest. It was the best time I had in ages. It was so nice to see everyone again. Aya, Celedh, even meeting new people and experiencing Las Vegas for the first time. It really meant a lot to me. And everyone was really nice to me even though I was stuck in my stupid scooter, we even made our stupid 'escorting the payload' joke about it. It was such a memorable event and I am so glad that I went. Even still to this day it puts a smile on my face.
I haven't been playing for very long but my favorite so far is when Everyone helped me and Lynx in the final stretch of Relm Reborn when we went and destroyed the bad people and saved Thancred! I have so many pictures from that moment because it mattered so much for me and my friend , and I want to thank everyone who helped!!
General News Announcements / [DD10] What's your fondest memory in Dimensional Death?
« Last post by Ayasu on April 27, 2017, 10:47:56 PM »
Hey guys!

So, as part of the 10 year anniversary of we're really interested to hear -- what's your fondest memory of Dimensional Death?

I understand that some may not have been with DD as long as other, but if you have any good stories to share, we'd be more than happy to hear it! from now and throughout the month of May, think of and post your favorite DD stories here. Whether it was an accomplishment, something silly, or just a stupid DD meme... or whether you joined us in FFXI, WoW or FFXIV--  we wanna hear it!

Just reply to this thread in order to tell your story!

Close to the end of May, we'll be gathering all these stories together and choosing some to record and make a sort of video tribute out of. If your story gets chosen, we may ask you if you'd like to record yourself reading out your story. If you don't want to, that's fine!

We look forward to hearing about some of your favorite memories from Dimensional Death's 10 year history.
General News Announcements / [DD10] Dimensional Death turns 10 in May!
« Last post by Ayasu on April 27, 2017, 09:27:24 PM »
Hey all!

If you read the subject line, or have heard me talking about this at all in the last month, then you probably already know that Dimensional Death turns 10 in May. This is a HUGE milestone, because a lot of online communities -- especially those focusing in MMOS, really don't seem to stay around that long.

A Brief History

But, did you know that DD's history *actually* starts way earlier than that? The community that would eventually become Dimensional Death originally spun off of the ShirtNinjaTravelAgency, or SNTA, Linkshell from FFXI. That Linkshell was founded sometime in November of 2003 after a long and dangerous low-level from from San d'Oria to Windurst. Originally founded with the spirit of exploration, I feel that now 14 years later, Dimensional Death still carries that torch.

SNTA's run ended just shy of 3 years later in October 2006, which gave way to MercenaryLegends - a Linkshell named after a webcomic I was attempting to draw(lol) at the time. ML's aim was to pick up where SNTA left off by providing a place for our members to socialize, hang out, and do what was, at the time, fairly casual mid-game content. Less than 6 months later, as more and more ML members were looking to do FFXI's end-game, we talked about creating a new Linkshell...

And that's when Dimensional Death entered the planning phases. Using the month of April, and beginning of May, a number of Dimensional Death's founding members got together and discussed things like rules, loot, and point systems. We tossed around some ideas, mostly based off improving flawed ideas of linkshells we'd been a part of. We wanted to try to make the loot systems as fair as possible -- to create an environment where the leadership gets no special rules surrounding loot.

We created the Linkshell and posted the *very first post* on the forums on May 15th, 2007. And that's where this happy little family started

I won't go into a playbyplay full history of Dimensional Death(though, for me, at least, it would be a lot of fun!), but I did want to go ahead and drop some fun facts.

Some Fun Facts!
Dimensional Death Founding Date: May 14th, 2007
First Application: Merli!
Original Application: <Link>
Number of applications in the first month: 42
People who attended our very first Sky farm on 5/28/2007: Ayasu, Chiama, Fransz, Marrok, Nuclear, Ranz, Shinumbra, Shyster, Sturm
People who attended our final FFXI run(Limbus) on 3/29/2009: Araceli, Kaelan, Elfboy, Domant, Celedh, Laude, Zatoichi, Losrase, Jojomio
Number of accounts(as of this writing) that have signed up for the forums over the last 10 years: 1106

Various FC events through the month of May

Right now, most of these are very much in the planning stages, but we're working to try to bring some things to you guys every week on Saturday for the month of May. As we get plans finalized, we'll be adding them to the calendar on the forums, as well as pinging the  Announcements section of Discord.

? May 6th:   "Walk Across Eorzea" - This is an event Tunod was already planning, but we discussed it and decided to go ahead and make it part of the DD10yr fun!

? May 13th: A Glamour Contest! - The overall theme for this contest is one of color: blues, purples, and black(DD's "guild" colors). We'll discuss if there are any sub-categories and announce them the week before the event.

? May 20th: Pre-Stormblood FC Meeting - This one is less "Fun," but on May 20th, we would like as many people as possible to gather together in the FC house so we can have an FC meeting to discuss our plans for Stormblood. Part of these plans include putting money aside for a new, LARGE house, as well as fielding questions and concerns anyone might have about the FC. If you have a question you'd like to ask, but want to do it anonymously, please use the SUGGESTION BOX.

? May 27th: Lowbie Run! - This is actually kind of an old, pre-DD tradition that got lost over the years after switching games, but... we'll be doing a lowbie run to celebrate the original spirit of exploration that drove us to create SNTA back in 2003. The current plans will to roll a level 1 character starting in Ul'Dah, and we'll run AAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL the way to the gates of Ishgard -- through a winding and dangerous route that'll take us through an Imperial stronghold! The route will be posted in the thread for this event.

While all of these events are optional, I do ask that everyone please try to make it to the FC Meeting on the 20th, since that's nearly exactly 1 month from the official launch of Stormblood.

If anyone has any other fun event suggestions we can do on other nights together, please let us know!
Here's to 10 years of Dimensional Death, and many more to come!!
General News Announcements / Re: [!IMPORTANT!] Dimensional Death rebranding
« Last post by Ayasu on April 02, 2017, 12:23:04 AM »
Naked Roe-tainer is Tunod's. :X

General News Announcements / Re: [!IMPORTANT!] Dimensional Death rebranding
« Last post by Ayasu on April 01, 2017, 11:44:05 PM »
Ayasu - A Short Crab
Haldis - Crafting Crab
Celedh - Le Crabe
Laude - Touchy Crab
Kyoka - Panda Crab
Tunod - Pastry Warrior Crab
Flare - Pink-ish Crab
Lyria - Punching Bag Crab
Annelise - RAGE CRAB
Hails - Selfie Crab
Cawti - Shit-Posting Crab
Mynt - SUPER French Crab
Lilisi - The Kinda Crab That...     
Aria - Twitchy Crab
Aoi Neko - Blue Crab
Naosha - Crab Ranger
Davalimar - Davi-crab
Aruru - Yaoi Crab
Shane - (H)ats Crab
Akane - Akrabe
Evo - BatCrab
Darth - Boiled Crab
Saithe - Cabbage Crab
Merin - Crab Fairy
Haslett - Crab Form
Lhoa G. - Crab G.
Lei'ha - Crab'ha
Fae - Crab-flaguration
Darkaeth - Crab-aeth
Ltheb - Crabstrologian
Vendryth - Crabdryth
Mofa - Drunken Crab
Ali - Fish-Kicking Crab
Oxalis - Hunter Crab
Fiona - Movie Crab
Shinkuu - Palacrab
Kupo Bot - Nipper Bot
Ellisef - Crabisef 
Kreme - Kreme-filled Crab   
Maho - Magical Crab
Merli - Musical Crab
Sabelina - Pervy Crab
Hellknight - Roadkill Crab
Senji - Samurai Crab
Firefox - Smelly Crab
Naline - Swedish Crab
Taber - Tabcrab
Selyssae - Teeny Crab
Zrrdrr - CRB(pronounced CRUB)
Footstool - Crabstool
Joemang - Joecrab
Ava - Magikrab
RedPandaKae - RedCrabKae
Eribee - Shady Crab
General News Announcements / [!APRILFOOLS!] Dimensional Death rebranding
« Last post by Ayasu on April 01, 2017, 11:23:51 AM »
Hope everyone had a fun April Fool's! I'll post the names of who was what in a post on this thread. :)

April Fool's is something I've tried to enjoy with DD since our first April Fool's in 2008. Here's a link to some of the stuff we've done over the years! Fun fact -- some of these threads have not been "public" in almost 7 years. This is a bit of a glimpse into the past of DD. :)

Game DD was active in will be posted in []'s before the link!

2008 - [FFXI] Important announcement concerning the Linkshell...
2009 - [FFXI] Second and Third Expansion Scenarios Ahead of Schedule! (04/01/2009) (This was a repost of FFXIClopedia's joke)
2010 - [WoW:Wrath] A preview of some of the 25-man rules
2011 - [WoW:Cata] Faction change!
2012 - [WoW:Cata] New month, new expansion, new changes!
2013 - [WoW:MoP] Dimensional Death and the Seekers of Adoulin
2014 - [FFXIV:ARR] Dimensional Death Rules and Goals Update 2014! (Link in thread to an imgur album of what we did to the house)
2015 - [FFXIV:ARR] An Imgur Album of what the house looked like in 2015 (There was no forum post this year.)
2016 - [FFXIV:HW] Makin' a move!
2017 - [FFXIV:HW]You're lookin' at it! :3

Hi everyone!

As you all know, Dimensional Death is coming up on our 10 year anniversary! As such, in order to breathe a little bit of new life into things, we've decided we're going to rebrand a bit -- make things a little more fresh, and feel a little more new!

Nowadays, people are all about themes, so I got to thinking. What, in all of Final Fantasy, is the most beloved creature in the game? Especially in the MMOs?

If you said Crabs... you're 100% correct! Everyone, welcome to Dimensional Crab!

From here forward, we'll be going with a full crab-themed layout both on the forums, and especially on Discord.

As some of you may have noticed, we've already changed all the branding on Discord -- we've renamed chat channels, voice chat channels, updated the channel icon -- and even better -- started rebranding even our members. Everyone, by the end of the week, will be assigned a new Crab-based name. By the end of the month, we'll be asking everyone to shell out name changes for your characters in FFXIV to these new Crab-based names. :D

Have a crabby day, everyone!

Guide Book / Re: Anima Relic : "So I heard you are thinking about it" Edition
« Last post by Celedh Knight on March 27, 2017, 09:49:33 PM »
Updated for final steps!
Guide Book / Re: Anima Relic : "So I heard you are thinking about it" Edition
« Last post by Celedh Knight on August 23, 2016, 08:33:50 AM »
Updated for patch 3.38 !
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 Breaking News

Please sign up to the forums with your character name, so we know who you are!

Excalibur Character creation is usually open early in the morning, until 3pm CST on weekdays, and 10am CST on weekends.

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