Frontpage Announcements > Dimensional Death(FFXIV) Announcements
Beta Character names and servers
Celedh Knight:
If you want to get an invite in the Linkshell, give out your beta names, so we can invite you during the weekend.
- Cactuar -
Ayasu - Ayasu Lemieux
Laude - Lauderia Bateson
Vea - Vea Shizhen
Kreme - Kreme Safrantine
Celedh - Lifa Lockheart
Saaya - Bad Wolf
Footstool - Nigel Rumplestache
- Excalibur (1.0 characters) -
Ayasu Lemieux
- Sargatanas (1.0 characters) -
Ayasu - Ayasu Lemieux
Celedh - Lifa Lockhart
I'll update the list as people list up theirs.
Hello~ Fiend of Celedh and i'll be on Cactuar as "Bad Wolf"
Hi! Just joined the forums, though I'm in the LS already I think.
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